Panel Topic: Interreligious Dialogue
We God’s People: Christianity, Hinduism and Islam in the World of Nations
Authors: Jocelyne Cesari, Faisal Devji, Debora Tonelli, Alessandro Ferrari, Sheikholharam Mashhadi, John Miller
The exportation of the nation-state worldwide went hand-in-hand with the dissemination of the Western concept of religion. Based on original data, We God’s People: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism in the World of Nations (2022) shows that this dual propagation of nation-state and religion significantly influences the politicization of religion in countries as different as Syria, Turkey, India, China, and Russia. It argues that since the epoch of modernity, religious and political communities have continuously interacted on issues related to beliefs, behaviors, or collective identities. To do so, the book combines an exploration of institutional and ideational changes across time, which are usually separated by disciplinary boundaries.Discussants:Faisal Devji (University of Oxford)Debora Tonelli (Georgetown University)Alessandro Ferrari (Università dell’Insubria) Sheikholharam Mashhadi (University of North Carolina)John Miller (University of North Carolina)