Panel Topic: Christoph Schwöbel: Theology in Conversation Conference: Opening Plenary

Trinity and Promise

Authors: Bruce McCormack

Bruce Lindley McCormack, PhD ’89, Princeton Seminary’s Charles Hodge Professor of Systematic Theology Emeritus, earned his PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary. He also earned an MDiv from Nazarene Theological Seminary and an honorary doctorate of theology from the Friedrich Schiller Universitat in Jena, Germany. A Presbyterian, McCormack is interested in the history of modern theology, from Schleiermacher and Hegel through Karl Barth. His courses cover Schleiermacher’s Glaubenslehre and the doctrine of atonement in Christian tradition. He is a member of the General Assembly committee commissioned to write a new catechism for the Presbyterian Church (USA) and has been a member of the panel on doctrine for the Church of Scotland. A member of the Karl Barth-Stiftung in Basel, Switerzland, he is North American editor of the Zeitschrift fuer Dialektische Theologie, published in Holland.
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